Andrew Adeniyi
CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
Free Business Speaker in Indianapolis
Discussing Undiscussables: Challenging, yet transformative conversations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion
This presentation explores the uncomfortable yet important conversations that must take place in the workplace in order to foster a culture of inclusion while attracting and retaining diverse team members. This presentation can be used to explore topics such as: MORE >
-Unconscious/Implicit Bias
-Systemic Racism
-Police Brutality & Race
-How to increase diversity
-Fostering an environment of inclusion
-How to engage in challenging conversations
-White Privilege -
Cultivating Culture: A playbook for decreasing turnover, increasing productivity, and improving employee engagement
This presentation takes the framework used in my book titled "The Circle of Leadership" and provides an entrepreneurial playbook on how to create and leverage culture to sustain a competitive advantage. This presentation can cover the following topics: MORE >
-Cultivating & Leveraging Culture
-Mission Statements
-Vision Statements
-Core Values
-Diversity & Inclusion