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Self-Healing after Divorce
Samantha Tishner, Relationship Coach, Speaker, Author, Heal First Coaching
As I sat on rock bottom after my divorce feeling lost and alone, I started to search for help. I wanted someone to tell me exactly what I needed to do to get back to a good place in my life. From my journey, I wrote the book Heal First. Love Second. This book was written to compile the steps that I used to heal, and that I continue to use to this day. What I share in this book are life experiences and the steps that helped me heal my heart, my soul and to find a better life. MORE >
I am a Health & Life Coach with a passion to help women heal their lives and find their STRENGTH to create the life they desire. My passion is to share what I have learned with other people who are struggling with their new life after divorce or with finding their purpose. -
Authentic Masculinity
Gregory Mayo, Award Winning Author, Speaker
Is there Toxic Masculinity? Of course. But masculinity isn't toxic. In this talk, Greg explores how the presence of a Father Wound impacts how men communicate, relate, heal and live and how lack of understanding of authentic masculinity can lead to toxic masculinity or lack of masculinity at all.
More and more men grew up in a home without their father or a right example of what being a man looks like. So they try to look like a man and act like a man...but with no one deliberately showing the way, how do we know if we’re doing it right?
Well, we don’t.
We grow a beard
Shoot guns
Drink whiskey
Chase women and other myths
But they’re all just behaviors...actions to cover up the little boy inside who is deeply confused and hurting.
The world needs men to stand up, to lead and to train up the next generation of men.
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The three components of self-defense.
Clint Cloys, Owner & Instructor, Circle City Safety
When you think about self defense, you need to approach it from a military or police mindset. That means, your defenses need to be in place before the need occurs. If you think about the modern military or even medieval military, the castle, the walls, moats, forts, bunkers, etc. were all put into place before any attack occurred. MORE >
They put these measures in place in anticipation of a possible attack. If they waited for the first shots to be fired and the approach of the enemy, it would be way too late. Same with police officers - their bullet proof vests are designed to defend them from gun fire. However, the officer must put the vest on before he or she goes out on patrol. If they wait until a gun is drawn on them, again it is way too late. This is the mindset that you need to have when you think about your own defense. -
Creating Positive Habits & Reducing Stress
Samantha Tishner, Relationship Coach, Speaker, Author, Heal First Coaching
Our world is wonderful, we can receive instant responses to communication and google any topic we have a question about and receive answers in moments. Having a minicomputer at our fingertips has opened a whole new world for us; some positive opportunities and some negative ones. MORE >
The downside, it has created a new path for bad habits and stress to take over. It has provided a space where people can be negative and hurtful to other people with little consequence. It has opened the door to create bad habits that help raise our stress level and anxiety. It’s important to find the balance between our face-paced world and finding time to shut down (creating 'white space') and focus on taking care of one’s self by reducing stress and creating positive change in our lives. -
The Seven Best Things I’ve Learned About Loving The People I Love
Gary Sinclair, Director, Never Quit Climbing
Love is fun... and also hard. It takes time, work, practice and sacrifice. Over the years, Gary has learned some tough, but important lessons about how to truly love someone, especially those closest to him. And while circumstances vary from family to family and person to person, there are some critical and common concepts that we can all learn to do better to love those around us - spouses, kids, coworkers, other family, etc. In a fun, yet practical way, Gary shares seven of those vital principles that can help anyone of any age do better at truly loving another person. MORE >
Men and Abortion Recovery
Gregory Mayo, Award Winning Author, Speaker
Healing after lost fatherhood via abortion is possible.
With over 62,000,000 abortions in the US alone since 1973 the need for healing and recovery is great. This is not a political talk. This is not a discussion of right or wrong. Rather, it is designed to bring awareness those that are hurting that healing is available.
In it we also talk about the concept of a Father Wound and how that impacts men and their ability to communicate, feel and heal. MORE > -
You are the Medicine
Willie Williams, CEO, Inspire The Fire Inc.
I help solve the problem most of the world will encounter and that is how to keep momentum and excitement after the “newness” has settled. I have created the solution for what we call “New Car Collapse” which is when you quickly undervalue what was recently a great move and investment.
7 Forgiveness Secrets that can Create Miracles in Your Life
Dr. Annette Cargioli, The Cargioli Center
What's forgiveness got to do with the miracles you want in your life right now? Since the early 1990's there have been thousands of research studies on forgiveness revealing the impact it has to create massive change very quickly. Dr. Cargioli will examine the results of research on forgiveness and also link this powerful research to the problems we all face in life. MORE >
You will learn how to identify if forgiveness is the missing link in your own health and relationship conflicts. You will also learn the most effective strategies to utilize forgiveness for yourself. While forgiveness is an ancient topic, Dr. Cargioli will shed new light on how forgiveness is a necessary component to reach our greatest human potential. -
Should I…? Sisterhood
Latissha Williams, Author and Founder, Should I...? Ministries, LLC
Sometimes life's traumas can cause you to question God and your worthiness. Should I…? Ministries is focused on helping women build their leadership capacity in spite of obstacles that may come their way. When the "Should I…?" questions come up, we help you listen to your inner voice and gain wisdom from God to push through and make decisions that will impact your life. MORE >
This author of "Should I…?" is on a mission to inspire women globally with the understanding that their leadership resides in character and spiritual giftings of the Lord, and that hearts and lives can be changed by their obedience.