Gregory Mayo

Award Winning Author, Speaker

Free Self Improvement Speaker in Indianapolis

  • Real Estate IS a Blue Collar Job

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    The real estate market continues to defy odds and logic. The market in and around Indy is changing quickly and we have to change with it. Couple that with the fact that many people are looking for a way to "get rich" either flipping or building real estate, and it can be tough to navigate the waters.
    Greg has over 20 years experience as a contractor, home inspector and Realtor...mostly in the downtown Indy market. This talk will take you on a deeper dive into the reality of real estate, home flipping and building in Central Indiana.
    It's not about getting rich, it's about building our city with a mix of affordable housing, green housing tech and luxury homes that are built well and built to last. MORE >

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  • Authentic Masculinity

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Is there Toxic Masculinity? Of course. But masculinity isn't toxic. In this talk, Greg explores how the presence of a Father Wound impacts how men communicate, relate, heal and live and how lack of understanding of authentic masculinity can lead to toxic masculinity or lack of masculinity at all.
    More and more men grew up in a home without their father or a right example of what being a man looks like. So they try to look like a man and act like a man...but with no one deliberately showing the way, how do we know if we’re doing it right?
    Well, we don’t.
    We grow a beard
    Shoot guns
    Drink whiskey
    Chase women and other myths
    But they’re all just behaviors...actions to cover up the little boy inside who is deeply confused and hurting.
    The world needs men to stand up, to lead and to train up the next generation of men.
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  • Men and Abortion Recovery

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Healing after lost fatherhood via abortion is possible.
    With over 62,000,000 abortions in the US alone since 1973 the need for healing and recovery is great. This is not a political talk. This is not a discussion of right or wrong. Rather, it is designed to bring awareness those that are hurting that healing is available.
    In it we also talk about the concept of a Father Wound and how that impacts men and their ability to communicate, feel and heal. MORE >

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