Steven A. Spence
Founder and Owner, The Mediation Alternative
Free Financial Speaker in Indianapolis
The Magic of Mediation
Mediation is the process by which a neutral third party assists two or more disputing parties reach an agreement in order to minimize the cost of litigation or to avoid it entirely. Whether the dispute is in the area of a divorce, personal injury, special education, labor relations, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), business, probate neighboring property owner, or even internal church matters, mediation is a cheaper, quicker and less stressful method of resolving thorny disagreements. MORE >
Steve Spence shares his experience as a magician and as a full-time mediator to explain how a mediator can work “magic” in virtually any kind of dispute to resolve apparently unsolvable disputes. Mr. Spence will tailor the length and focus of his entertaining and informative presentation to meet the needs and interests of your specific group.