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Most Estates are Hijacked – How to Keep Yours Safe
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Why your estate plan MAY never BE realized when assets go to unintended persons. Who are the hijackers and how to avoid them.
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
In the book, 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed, the world of the Bronze Age came to an abrupt end. Kingdoms fell like dominoes. No more Minoans, or Mycenaeans, or Trojans, or Hittites, or Babylonians. These cultures suddenly ceased to exist. These events help us understand Joseph being sold by his brothers and the Exodus.
Is Your Financial Advisor a Crook?
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Find out if your advisor has had his licenses suspended, revoked, had multiple consumer complaints or been charged by a regulator. The advisor may have hidden this part of his background from you. Learn how to use free internet sites when conducting a background check on financial advisors.
Data Generative AI
Steve Wasick, Founder & CEO, InfoSentience
Chat GPT lacks the logical reasoning to write your reports with 100% accuracy. Where Chat GPT fails, Conceptual Automata Systems (CAS) step up to the plate. In this topic, Steve explores the difference between 'Data Generative AI' and 'Generative AI' and discusses what it means to automate millions of real-time reports using AI, and how to mitigate the challenges the come with. MORE >
Electronic Home Invasion
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
This is one of Greg's most popular courses. An insurance agent stole 3,000 Identities of Indianapolis area professionals. Greg tracked this fraudster from youth to the fraud, to discovery, to prison and his post-prison life. He interviewed the fraudster while in prison, after his release from prison, his victims, the law enforcement officers that tracked him down, and his former wife. From this case study and the latest information, learn how to protect yourself from financial identity theft. One-third of Social Security numbers are being used by two or more persons.