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Most Estates are Hijacked – How to Keep Yours Safe
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Why your estate plan MAY never BE realized when assets go to unintended persons. Who are the hijackers and how to avoid them.
How crooks conceal their past and change their identity
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Is your adviser a convicted fraudster that adopted a new identity following prison? Did a child molester circumvent your school’s background check? Greg will discuss U. S. states that have “closed” and “open” vital records, demonstrate how easy it is to “take” a dead person’s identity, illustrate how to produce “breeder” documents necessary to get a new U. S. Social Security number, show how some conceal the time they were in prison, and how crooks create a “new-skin” individual. MORE >