Authentic Masculinity

Is there Toxic Masculinity? Of course. But masculinity isn’t toxic. In this talk, Greg explores how the presence of a Father Wound impacts how men communicate, relate, heal and live and how lack of understanding of authentic masculinity can lead to toxic masculinity or lack of masculinity at all.
More and more men grew up in a home without their father or a right example of what being a man looks like. So they try to look like a man and act like a man…but with no one deliberately showing the way, how do we know if we’re doing it right?
Well, we don’t.
We grow a beard
Shoot guns
Drink whiskey
Chase women and other myths
But they’re all just behaviors…actions to cover up the little boy inside who is deeply confused and hurting.
The world needs men to stand up, to lead and to train up the next generation of men.

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