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Disability Inclusion
Cyrus Anton, President, United Spinal Association of Indiana
In this presentation, I will exemplify the need for disability inclusion in workplaces, the educational system, and society as a whole. I will use my personal narrative and credible statistics to assert the need for disability inclusion. In my presentation, I intend to be funny and lighthearted to convey a personal relationship with the audience. I will further use audience participation and discussion to build on this relationship. I hope that by using these tools, I can amplify the prerogative of my message. MORE >
Collective Impact – Community Change
Carla Biro, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Specialist, Beautifully Biro
Collective Impact model is utilized as the core framework of bringing stakeholders together to accomplish an identified community and/or organizational goals. Carla utilizes the stakeholder engagement process to bring businesses, city and state officials, and community organizations to the table to maximizes the probability of achieving an identified mission and vision. MORE >
As action groups are formulated the visitation of the “stakeholder engagement wheel” is imperative. This wheel is utilized to ensure we have the right people at the table committed to the work and creates a platform for stakeholders to “liberate” themselves when the work they have committed to is accomplished and a plan for sustainability is in place. -
Let’s Be Real: A way to become comfortable having uncomfortable conversations about race
Marc Hardy, Executive Director / Co-Founder and Consultant, Can I Be Real, Inc.
We tend to live among, shop with, work with and learn with people who look just like us. This limits our meaningful interactions with people of different races and cultures. This presentation fosters a vulnerable atmosphere where Hardy explains why he feels the way he does regarding various topics of injustice but also spends time brainstorming ways that members of the audience can make an impact on topics they are passionate about. MORE >
This presentation leaves people with the realization that you can have direct and honest conversations with people of a different race respectfully. They will also be inspired to find a way they can impact injustice in their own way. -
How crooks conceal their past and change their identity
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Is your adviser a convicted fraudster that adopted a new identity following prison? Did a child molester circumvent your school’s background check? Greg will discuss U. S. states that have “closed” and “open” vital records, demonstrate how easy it is to “take” a dead person’s identity, illustrate how to produce “breeder” documents necessary to get a new U. S. Social Security number, show how some conceal the time they were in prison, and how crooks create a “new-skin” individual. MORE >
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
In the book, 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed, the world of the Bronze Age came to an abrupt end. Kingdoms fell like dominoes. No more Minoans, or Mycenaeans, or Trojans, or Hittites, or Babylonians. These cultures suddenly ceased to exist. These events help us understand Joseph being sold by his brothers and the Exodus.
1300 A.D. social justice issues that causd the American Indian cultural collapse
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
The Southwestern (Anasazi) and Mississippian (Moundbuilders) cultures came to an abrupt end in 1300 A.D. Chaco Canion was abandoned. In today’s Illinois, what had been a North American city larger than any in Europe at that time was abandoned. Climate change was only part of the cause. Yes, this happened way before Columbus.
Is Your Financial Advisor a Crook?
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Find out if your advisor has had his licenses suspended, revoked, had multiple consumer complaints or been charged by a regulator. The advisor may have hidden this part of his background from you. Learn how to use free internet sites when conducting a background check on financial advisors.
Applying Benford’s Law to catch fraudsters
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
For several years, Greg has taught this course to Fraud Examiners and Accountants. Fraudulent numbers are invented numbers that can often be identified by applying special audit techniques. Recently, he has been conducted fraudulent number invention research in conjunction with Purdue and Ball State. This seminar is only presented to law enforcement and fraud auditors. MORE >
Electronic Home Invasion
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
This is one of Greg's most popular courses. An insurance agent stole 3,000 Identities of Indianapolis area professionals. Greg tracked this fraudster from youth to the fraud, to discovery, to prison and his post-prison life. He interviewed the fraudster while in prison, after his release from prison, his victims, the law enforcement officers that tracked him down, and his former wife. From this case study and the latest information, learn how to protect yourself from financial identity theft. One-third of Social Security numbers are being used by two or more persons.
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Connecting youth with nature: The Bicentennial Nature Center Network at Conner Prairie’s Treetop Outpost
Norman Burns, President and CEO, Conner Prairie
Youth today spend less than half as much time outdoors as children did 20 years ago yet several studies have shown that children need plenty of time outdoors to live happy and healthy. Just as concerning, the average American child today spends at least 45 hours a week staring at some kind of electronic screen which has led to the appearance of what some are calling ‘nature-deficit disorder’ in many children. MORE >
Along with expanding its outdoor programming opportunities, Cope Environmental Center, located in Centerville, Ind., has been reaching out across the state to ensure that every child in Indiana is within 60 miles of a partner nature center that will provide environmental education and creative outdoor experiences.Conner Prairie is a partner in the network and in July opened a new outdoor nature experience called Treetop Outpost. I'll share what this four-story treehouse surrounded by hands-on, immersive activities is, its intent to connect children and families with nature and how it fits into both the missions of the network and Conner Prairie.