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Cultivating Culture: A playbook for decreasing turnover, increasing productivity, and improving employee engagement
Andrew Adeniyi, CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
This presentation takes the framework used in my book titled "The Circle of Leadership" and provides an entrepreneurial playbook on how to create and leverage culture to sustain a competitive advantage. This presentation can cover the following topics: MORE >
-Cultivating & Leveraging Culture
-Mission Statements
-Vision Statements
-Core Values
-Diversity & Inclusion
-Rentention -
Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Volunteers
Renee Harlor, Founder, Greater Than Eight, Inc
So many non-profit organizations are started by passionate people who want to make the world a better place. Non-profits often operate on slim budgets and remain stagnant, or worse, fail. It isn't because of the lack of heart, dedication or passion. It's because of the lack of a strategic plan, goals and a solid team of volunteers. Let's talk about getting the right people in place and keeping them happy. MORE >
How to create a Culture of Accountability
Natalie Menke, Business Coach and Sales Expert, Inspire Results Business Coaching
There isn’t one among us who hasn’t put off or avoided a tough conversation that stems from an unmet expectation. You wonder if your zone of tolerance is too small or too large or maybe you just don’t know how to say what needs to be said in a way that will leave your team member feeling good. MORE >
• Should you say something to the employee who’s 10 minutes late once a week or not?
• How long do you wait before addressing your salesperson who hasn’t met goal for 3 months straight?
• If you’ve already mentioned the confusing communications from your operations manager twice and the sales staff are still baffled by operations’ messages, do you ignore it or is it time to have that tough this-is-a-pattern talk?
• Do you ever get so fed up that you say something you regret? Do team members?Achieving a culture of accountability includes setting performance goals, establishing regular meetings to monitor progress, and having accountability conversations along the way. There’s a process you can follow that will make accountability conversations easier… even natural and uplifting.
This presentation will help you decide whether you SHOULD speak up, how to get in the best mindset for it, and how to navigate the accountability conversation, including before the conversation, during, and follow-up after.
Healing a Nation Through Common Ground Communication
David Bennett, Owner, Common Ground Communication
It is apparent over the last few years that the United States is deeply divided. There are not only many different perspectives but, those perspectives are often rigidly held. But, what can be done, and more importantly what can each of us do to bring the people of this country together? MORE >
I believe it starts with each of us and our communication with our family, friends, and work colleagues. To bridge differences and promote understanding of different perspectives, we need to find common ground with one another. We need to find commonalities not just differences. We can start a dialogue with people we disagree with by first finding the areas on which we agree. It is clear that there are more areas on which we agree than on which we disagree, but we often lose perspective when someone challenges or disagrees with us.When we put this to work in our communication we develop "connections" with one another. This connection leads to a greater respect and understanding of diverse perspectives.
I've seen this approach make a tremendous difference with people and groups. And it's not hard for people to adopt. They already have the skills needed. It's just matter of applying some existing skills differently, enhancing other skills, and putting it all together with every person with whom they interact in every conversation.
I share my perspectives on how common ground connections can help bridge differences and bring people together with participants at conferences and meetings. I work with individuals and companies on identifying and resolving communication issues and improving existing communication skills.
Now more than ever we need to communicate in such a way that we establish common ground connections with everyone. I hope to work with you in helping you do that.
Discussing Undiscussables: Challenging, yet transformative conversations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion
Andrew Adeniyi, CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
This presentation explores the uncomfortable yet important conversations that must take place in the workplace in order to foster a culture of inclusion while attracting and retaining diverse team members. This presentation can be used to explore topics such as: MORE >
-Unconscious/Implicit Bias
-Systemic Racism
-Police Brutality & Race
-How to increase diversity
-Fostering an environment of inclusion
-How to engage in challenging conversations
-White Privilege -
Are You Ready to Sell Your Business? No, You Really Are Not!
Bob Paden, Founder,
Find out if you are really ready to sell your business. Really. It's a journey, not a point in time. Find out the key factors that drive your readiness to sell.
Practical Ways to Manage Different Generations, Especially Those Millennials!
Brad Justus, Business Coach, Inspire Results Business Coaching
A lot’s been written about millennials—they’re tough to manage, entitled, self-interested, and even lazy. Age differences can create a lot of misunderstanding not only about Millennials but for all generations. Don’t rush to judgment. Motivations differ across generations. We’ll discuss the environmental factors that occurred during each generation’s upbringing, how it shaped their values and desires, and then we’ll share dozens of practical things you can do to create a culture where Millennials thrive. MORE >
Managing Vendor Expenses
Rodney Wead, Strategic-Partner, Schooley Mitchell
Managing vendor expenses can be a daunting task for businesses. In this 30 minute speech I cover a variety of qualitative and quantitative things a business can do to manage their vendor expenses. Topics included, but are not limited to, how to negotiate better rates, the best way to accept credit card payments, how to manage fuel costs, mobile device insurance advice, and things to consider when paying for waste removal. MORE >
8 Is Not Great
Renee Harlor, Founder, Greater Than Eight, Inc
When was the last time you couldn't wait to tell your friend all about your average experience? Customer service can cost you thousands of dollars or it can earn you more market share. Your clients, customers and guests don't remember average. They do remember awful and awesome. Most companies can't afford to employee a full time trainer, the problem, is most companies can't afford NOT to have a trainer. We break down the numbers when it comes to customer service in a fun and enlightening way. Average will cost you!
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Your Unique Value Proposition and Why it Matters
Bob Paden, Founder,
Taking business owners, leaders and everyone else why defining your unique value proposition matters, to themselves, their business, their leadership team, their family, their community and the rest of the world.