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    Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    In the book, 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed, the world of the Bronze Age came to an abrupt end. Kingdoms fell like dominoes. No more Minoans, or Mycenaeans, or Trojans, or Hittites, or Babylonians. These cultures suddenly ceased to exist. These events help us understand Joseph being sold by his brothers and the Exodus.

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  • Encouraging and Influential Leadership

    Jamie Houston, Associate Professor, Ivy Tech Community College

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    A one-hour presentation will motivate and encourage leaders in both their personal and professional environments. The major take away, is that all of us are leaders to others in our lives, and all of us are influencing people in many ways. I take the time to really motivate and encourage the audience to understand they are leaders, and to lead as servants through character, integrity, honor, and by encouraging those around them. MORE >

    The influence that we have on others, and they have on us is addressed, in order to demonstrate a key role of all leaders. This very energetic presentation will inspire and motivate people to action, and is designed for leaders in any environment. The participants will take away some simple skills to help them be more effective leaders in both their work and personal environments.
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  • Networking is a contact sport

    Shad Tidler, Business Coach, Lushin and Associates

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    In this interactive session, Shad will uncover the reasons that we run into these challenges when it comes to networking effectively and productively. He will also help you to learn how to overcome these challenges and become more effective at networking and growing your business. MORE >

    When it comes to networking and building your business, are you or your people asking yourself:
    • What should my goals be for networking?
    • Where should my focus be when networking?
    • What should I look to get out of networking?
    • How does networking fit into the overall picture of growing my business?
    • How can I be more effective at networking?
    • How can I be more comfortable with networking?

    The above is just a sampling of what typically is discussed. Please be prepared to bring your networking challenges to the meeting. If you are having these challenges, it is very likely that most of the room struggle with the same things.

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  • Most Estates are Hijacked – How to Keep Yours Safe

    Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    Why your estate plan MAY never BE realized when assets go to unintended persons. Who are the hijackers and how to avoid them.

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  • Indie Film & PR for the Small Business

    Catherine E. Rubey, Owner and Creative Director, InGe, Inc.

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    As the writer, producer, and executive producer of the Lifetime movie “Holiday Baggage” starring Cheryl Ladd and Barry Bostwick, Catherine has learned how to pitch investors, how to build a strong team, how to write and execute a business plan and how to market a product.

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  • Answering the Call: The Story of Grace on Wings

    Hal Blank, CEO / Chief Pilot, Grace on Wings, Inc

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    Grace on Wings, the only charity air ambulance in the United States, was founded in 2006 when a group of volunteers responded to God's call on their lives. Since then, the ministry has served 575 patients in crisis from a medical emergency throughout the United States. MORE >

    Grace On Wings is a non-profit public charity organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) that provides charity air ambulance services within the United States and is based out of the Indianapolis International Airport.

    Grace On Wings is a member of The Air Medical Physician Association (AMPA), The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), and The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). Grace on Wings is certified by the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) commission.

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  • Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Volunteers

    Renee Harlor, Founder, Greater Than Eight, Inc

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    So many non-profit organizations are started by passionate people who want to make the world a better place. Non-profits often operate on slim budgets and remain stagnant, or worse, fail. It isn't because of the lack of heart, dedication or passion. It's because of the lack of a strategic plan, goals and a solid team of volunteers. Let's talk about getting the right people in place and keeping them happy. MORE >

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  • Practical Ways to Manage Different Generations, Especially Those Millennials!

    Brad Justus, Business Coach, Inspire Results Business Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    A lot’s been written about millennials—they’re tough to manage, entitled, self-interested, and even lazy. Age differences can create a lot of misunderstanding not only about Millennials but for all generations. Don’t rush to judgment. Motivations differ across generations. We’ll discuss the environmental factors that occurred during each generation’s upbringing, how it shaped their values and desires, and then we’ll share dozens of practical things you can do to create a culture where Millennials thrive. MORE >

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  • Authentic Masculinity

    Gregory Mayo, Award Winning Author, Speaker

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Is there Toxic Masculinity? Of course. But masculinity isn't toxic. In this talk, Greg explores how the presence of a Father Wound impacts how men communicate, relate, heal and live and how lack of understanding of authentic masculinity can lead to toxic masculinity or lack of masculinity at all.
    More and more men grew up in a home without their father or a right example of what being a man looks like. So they try to look like a man and act like a man...but with no one deliberately showing the way, how do we know if we’re doing it right?
    Well, we don’t.
    We grow a beard
    Shoot guns
    Drink whiskey
    Chase women and other myths
    But they’re all just behaviors...actions to cover up the little boy inside who is deeply confused and hurting.
    The world needs men to stand up, to lead and to train up the next generation of men.
    MORE >

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  • How to Improve Your Health With Forgiveness

    Dr. Annette Cargioli, The Cargioli Center

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Have you ever considered that your chronic back or neck pain is really caused by an unresolved conflict in your past? Dr. Cargioli has helped thousands of people eliminate physical pain and improve their health potential using the science of forgiveness. Science has proven that forgiveness has the power to resolve conflicts. Science has also proven that unresolved emotional conflicts are likely to cause emotional and health problems in adults. MORE >

    Dr. Cargioli will explain the research science has discovered and link it to your current health and relationship problems. Everyone has the ability to forgive. You will learn how to identify when forgiveness is the cure you have been looking for. You will also learn the most effective forgiveness strategies that can release chronic pain caused by unresolved life conflicts. You will learn how much greater your potential is when you develop your ability to forgive. Forgiveness doesn't just improve your life and health. Forgiveness makes the world a better place for everyone.
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