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Cultivating Culture: A playbook for decreasing turnover, increasing productivity, and improving employee engagement
Andrew Adeniyi, CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
This presentation takes the framework used in my book titled "The Circle of Leadership" and provides an entrepreneurial playbook on how to create and leverage culture to sustain a competitive advantage. This presentation can cover the following topics: MORE >
-Cultivating & Leveraging Culture
-Mission Statements
-Vision Statements
-Core Values
-Diversity & Inclusion
-Rentention -
The Magic of Mediation
Steven A. Spence, Founder and Owner, The Mediation Alternative
Mediation is the process by which a neutral third party assists two or more disputing parties reach an agreement in order to minimize the cost of litigation or to avoid it entirely. Whether the dispute is in the area of a divorce, personal injury, special education, labor relations, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), business, probate neighboring property owner, or even internal church matters, mediation is a cheaper, quicker and less stressful method of resolving thorny disagreements. MORE >
Steve Spence shares his experience as a magician and as a full-time mediator to explain how a mediator can work “magic” in virtually any kind of dispute to resolve apparently unsolvable disputes. Mr. Spence will tailor the length and focus of his entertaining and informative presentation to meet the needs and interests of your specific group. -
How to Improve Your Health With Forgiveness
Dr. Annette Cargioli, The Cargioli Center
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
Have you ever considered that your chronic back or neck pain is really caused by an unresolved conflict in your past? Dr. Cargioli has helped thousands of people eliminate physical pain and improve their health potential using the science of forgiveness. Science has proven that forgiveness has the power to resolve conflicts. Science has also proven that unresolved emotional conflicts are likely to cause emotional and health problems in adults. MORE >
Dr. Cargioli will explain the research science has discovered and link it to your current health and relationship problems. Everyone has the ability to forgive. You will learn how to identify when forgiveness is the cure you have been looking for. You will also learn the most effective forgiveness strategies that can release chronic pain caused by unresolved life conflicts. You will learn how much greater your potential is when you develop your ability to forgive. Forgiveness doesn't just improve your life and health. Forgiveness makes the world a better place for everyone. -
The Importance of a Succession Plan for Your Small Business and How to Create Your’s
Roger Engelau, Certified Business Coach and Owner, Inspire Results Business Coaching
Small business comes with deeper, more complex relationships. This can make succession planning more difficult but it doesn't have to. Using a structured process will help navigate communications, set realistic expectations, manage sensitivities, understand the legalities, and help you create a succession plan that everyone embraces.
Applying Benford’s Law to catch fraudsters
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
For several years, Greg has taught this course to Fraud Examiners and Accountants. Fraudulent numbers are invented numbers that can often be identified by applying special audit techniques. Recently, he has been conducted fraudulent number invention research in conjunction with Purdue and Ball State. This seminar is only presented to law enforcement and fraud auditors. MORE >
The Voice
Willie Williams, CEO, Inspire The Fire Inc.
What is the difference between an employee and a leader? One comes to do a job, the leader comes to make the job better. Today everyone wants to be a leader but unfortunately, not everyone understands the key to becoming the kind of leader that others are would like to follow. MORE >
Many people follow leaders because they HAVE to follow them, but that creates an environment or culture of obligation, which leads to many bitter and unhappy people. However, when you lead in a way where followers WANT to be led you will have a culture of excitement, joy and see a MAJOR increase in productivity. -
How To Make Sure Your Business Produces the Personal Outcomes You Want
Roger Engelau, Certified Business Coach and Owner, Inspire Results Business Coaching
Looking out 5, 10, 20 years, what kind of life do you want to be living? What properties, businesses, cash, cars do you want to have? What hobbies, investments, donations, achievements, vacations? What will you want to be DOING? World travel, summers in your lakehouse, charity work, spending time with grandchildren, paying for their private school, spinning off 3 other businesses? MORE >
In this presentation, Certified Business Coach Roger Engelau shows you how to align your business vision and strategies with your personal vision to insure that the business you’re building will produce your desired personal outcomes. This presentation can be customized to 20, 30, or 60 minutes and to your organization’s needs. -
Most Estates are Hijacked – How to Keep Yours Safe
Greg Wright, Certified Fraud Examiner, Assoc. of Certified Fraud Examineers
Why your estate plan MAY never BE realized when assets go to unintended persons. Who are the hijackers and how to avoid them.