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Men and Abortion Recovery
Gregory Mayo, Award Winning Author, Speaker
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
Healing after lost fatherhood via abortion is possible.
With over 62,000,000 abortions in the US alone since 1973 the need for healing and recovery is great. This is not a political talk. This is not a discussion of right or wrong. Rather, it is designed to bring awareness those that are hurting that healing is available.
In it we also talk about the concept of a Father Wound and how that impacts men and their ability to communicate, feel and heal. MORE > -
The Importance of Creating Your Company’s Business Operating Plan
Brad Justus, Business Coach, Inspire Results Business Coaching
Have you ever wondered why some business owners are calm, confident, and cool while their profits are soaring, their business is running smoothly, and they have tons of time to spend doing the things they enjoy? The secret these successful business owners employ is detailed planning. In this fast-paced presentation, business owners uncover the potential in their business by completing the Single Sheet Business Plan, then, break it into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals, getting a line-of-sight from daily tasks to their 10-30 year purpose. MORE >
Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Volunteers
Renee Harlor, Founder, Greater Than Eight, Inc
So many non-profit organizations are started by passionate people who want to make the world a better place. Non-profits often operate on slim budgets and remain stagnant, or worse, fail. It isn't because of the lack of heart, dedication or passion. It's because of the lack of a strategic plan, goals and a solid team of volunteers. Let's talk about getting the right people in place and keeping them happy. MORE >
Top Mistakes People Make with Fat Loss, Exercise and Habit Change
Kirsten Shaw, GM, IFAST Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
Most people know what they "should" do to get healthier: exercise, eat better, eat less. And yet most people have a hard time getting started, or sticking with their habits after the first few weeks. Why is that? In this talk, Jae Chung, a trainer at one of America's Top Ten Gyms, will show you why most people struggle with New Year's Resolutions and weight loss, and five simple things you can do to make lasting changes stick. MORE >
Creating Positive Habits & Reducing Stress
Samantha Tishner, Relationship Coach, Speaker, Author, Heal First Coaching
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
Our world is wonderful, we can receive instant responses to communication and google any topic we have a question about and receive answers in moments. Having a minicomputer at our fingertips has opened a whole new world for us; some positive opportunities and some negative ones. MORE >
The downside, it has created a new path for bad habits and stress to take over. It has provided a space where people can be negative and hurtful to other people with little consequence. It has opened the door to create bad habits that help raise our stress level and anxiety. It’s important to find the balance between our face-paced world and finding time to shut down (creating 'white space') and focus on taking care of one’s self by reducing stress and creating positive change in our lives. -
Discussing Undiscussables: Challenging, yet transformative conversations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion
Andrew Adeniyi, CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
This presentation explores the uncomfortable yet important conversations that must take place in the workplace in order to foster a culture of inclusion while attracting and retaining diverse team members. This presentation can be used to explore topics such as: MORE >
-Unconscious/Implicit Bias
-Systemic Racism
-Police Brutality & Race
-How to increase diversity
-Fostering an environment of inclusion
-How to engage in challenging conversations
-White Privilege -
Learn the 7 costly mistakes families make in their Estate Plans and how to avoid them!
Paul A. Kraft, Esq., Co-Founder and Senior Principal, Frank & Kraft
Attend this seminar and immediately discover how you can avoid mistakes in these seven key areas: Probate Costs and Delays, Nursing Home Costs, Divorce, Remarriage, Estate Taxes, Retirement Plans, and Incapacity. MORE >
1. Probate Costs and Delays: Avoid potential delays of 9 months to 1 year or more. Eliminate or minimize substantial court, attorneys’, and executors’ fees.
2. Nursing Home Costs: Protect your nest egg from nursing home costs, which average over $6,850 per month in Indiana.
3. Divorce: Preserve your children’s inheritance if they divorce... up to 50% of your assets could walk out the door with your ex in-law.
4. Remarriage: Prevent your assets from going to a stranger instead of your children if your spouse gets remarried after your death.
5. Estate Taxes: Eliminate or minimize federal estate taxes.
6. Retirement Plans: Choose the right options to preserve your IRA or 401(k). Take advantage of opportunities to minimize income taxes for your beneficiaries.
7. Incapacity: Make your final wishes known with a Living Will and Health Care Proxy. Avoid a publicly humiliating and expensive guardianship proceeding if you become legally incapacitated or disabled. -
Sell more, Sell more easily
Shad Tidler, Business Coach, Lushin and Associates
In this interactive session, Shad will cover the hidden weaknesses that negatively affect those in sales and business development. He will also help you to learn how prospects buy and how to avoid falling into the typical buyers’ traps so you can sell and close more and do it more easily. MORE >
Are you or your sales people:
• Frustrated by not being able to effectively prospect and get to the people you need to talk to?
• Doing a good job of closing business but you feel like it takes longer than it should?
• Constantly being asked to quote proposals and then lower your prices?
• Unsure of the best way to jump-start prospects who went cold?
• Tired of being used for your free information you provide (unpaid consulting)?
• Struggling to truly differentiate yourself and win the projects and business you deserve? -
Critical Tax Decisions That Will Impact Your Retirement
Joseph A. Clark CFP, Managing Partner, The Financial Enhancement Group
During the 50 minute conversation Joe will guide you through the pitfalls and failing to understand how taxes work with retirement. "Markets go up and down but when you send a check to the IRS rarely is it returned!" This discussion will help you to better plan a strategy that gets the most out of your retirement by paying the IRS the right amount and at the right time. MORE >