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8 Is Not Great
Renee Harlor, Founder, Greater Than Eight, Inc
When was the last time you couldn't wait to tell your friend all about your average experience? Customer service can cost you thousands of dollars or it can earn you more market share. Your clients, customers and guests don't remember average. They do remember awful and awesome. Most companies can't afford to employee a full time trainer, the problem, is most companies can't afford NOT to have a trainer. We break down the numbers when it comes to customer service in a fun and enlightening way. Average will cost you!
MORE > -
How To Make Sure Your Business Produces the Personal Outcomes You Want
Roger Engelau, Certified Business Coach and Owner, Inspire Results Business Coaching
Looking out 5, 10, 20 years, what kind of life do you want to be living? What properties, businesses, cash, cars do you want to have? What hobbies, investments, donations, achievements, vacations? What will you want to be DOING? World travel, summers in your lakehouse, charity work, spending time with grandchildren, paying for their private school, spinning off 3 other businesses? MORE >
In this presentation, Certified Business Coach Roger Engelau shows you how to align your business vision and strategies with your personal vision to insure that the business you’re building will produce your desired personal outcomes. This presentation can be customized to 20, 30, or 60 minutes and to your organization’s needs. -
Business Trends 2016
Mark A. Roger, Business Broker, FranNet MidAmerica | Indiana
A practical guide to business trends important to successful entrepreneurship in 2016. Mark will identify these trends and teach how to use them to your advantage as a business owner. Highlights include: MORE >
- identifying the state of entrepreneurship marketplace,
- evaluating the new business fundamentals and “profit models,”
- understanding the new strategies of business ownership,
- exploring the teachings of Shark Tank and The Profit, and
- discussing opportunities available for entrepreneurs in Indiana. -
7 Forgiveness Secrets that can Create Miracles in Your Life
Dr. Annette Cargioli, The Cargioli Center
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
What's forgiveness got to do with the miracles you want in your life right now? Since the early 1990's there have been thousands of research studies on forgiveness revealing the impact it has to create massive change very quickly. Dr. Cargioli will examine the results of research on forgiveness and also link this powerful research to the problems we all face in life. MORE >
You will learn how to identify if forgiveness is the missing link in your own health and relationship conflicts. You will also learn the most effective strategies to utilize forgiveness for yourself. While forgiveness is an ancient topic, Dr. Cargioli will shed new light on how forgiveness is a necessary component to reach our greatest human potential. -
Discussing Undiscussables: Challenging, yet transformative conversations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion
Andrew Adeniyi, CEO, Co-Founder and Consultant, AAA Solutions LLC
This presentation explores the uncomfortable yet important conversations that must take place in the workplace in order to foster a culture of inclusion while attracting and retaining diverse team members. This presentation can be used to explore topics such as: MORE >
-Unconscious/Implicit Bias
-Systemic Racism
-Police Brutality & Race
-How to increase diversity
-Fostering an environment of inclusion
-How to engage in challenging conversations
-White Privilege -
The three components of self-defense.
Clint Cloys, Owner & Instructor, Circle City Safety
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
When you think about self defense, you need to approach it from a military or police mindset. That means, your defenses need to be in place before the need occurs. If you think about the modern military or even medieval military, the castle, the walls, moats, forts, bunkers, etc. were all put into place before any attack occurred. MORE >
They put these measures in place in anticipation of a possible attack. If they waited for the first shots to be fired and the approach of the enemy, it would be way too late. Same with police officers - their bullet proof vests are designed to defend them from gun fire. However, the officer must put the vest on before he or she goes out on patrol. If they wait until a gun is drawn on them, again it is way too late. This is the mindset that you need to have when you think about your own defense. -
Answers to our Health Care Crisis
Robert Prather, D.C., D.A.B.C.I., L.Ac., B.C.A.O, President, The Prather Practice
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
The proper path to effective and affordable health care reform remains a contentious debate in our country. Learn about the proven health care model that achieves a 40% cost savings over 5 years (and rises to a 60% cost savings over 10 years) while improving patient satisfaction and health outcomes. Those improved outcomes include 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer hospital stays, 85% savings in pharmaceutical costs, and adverse reactions reduced by 80%. MORE >
How to Succeed at Anything
Jeff Bennington, Sales Professional, Author and Mindset Trainer, The Mindset Mission
Successful people think differently than the average person. There are specific things they do that make the difference and through story and his own experiences, Jeff shares what it takes to become the best version of yourself. By developing a growth mindset, internal locus of control, and the 6 laws of success, anything is possible, and repeatable, over and over. In this talk, Jeff explains what it takes to replace "limiting beliefs" with unlimited potential. For more information, visit - Books and training materials available upon request. MORE >
Healing a Nation Through Common Ground Communication
David Bennett, Owner, Common Ground Communication
It is apparent over the last few years that the United States is deeply divided. There are not only many different perspectives but, those perspectives are often rigidly held. But, what can be done, and more importantly what can each of us do to bring the people of this country together? MORE >
I believe it starts with each of us and our communication with our family, friends, and work colleagues. To bridge differences and promote understanding of different perspectives, we need to find common ground with one another. We need to find commonalities not just differences. We can start a dialogue with people we disagree with by first finding the areas on which we agree. It is clear that there are more areas on which we agree than on which we disagree, but we often lose perspective when someone challenges or disagrees with us.When we put this to work in our communication we develop "connections" with one another. This connection leads to a greater respect and understanding of diverse perspectives.
I've seen this approach make a tremendous difference with people and groups. And it's not hard for people to adopt. They already have the skills needed. It's just matter of applying some existing skills differently, enhancing other skills, and putting it all together with every person with whom they interact in every conversation.
I share my perspectives on how common ground connections can help bridge differences and bring people together with participants at conferences and meetings. I work with individuals and companies on identifying and resolving communication issues and improving existing communication skills.
Now more than ever we need to communicate in such a way that we establish common ground connections with everyone. I hope to work with you in helping you do that.
Networking is a contact sport
Shad Tidler, Business Coach, Lushin and Associates
In this interactive session, Shad will uncover the reasons that we run into these challenges when it comes to networking effectively and productively. He will also help you to learn how to overcome these challenges and become more effective at networking and growing your business. MORE >
When it comes to networking and building your business, are you or your people asking yourself:
• What should my goals be for networking?
• Where should my focus be when networking?
• What should I look to get out of networking?
• How does networking fit into the overall picture of growing my business?
• How can I be more effective at networking?
• How can I be more comfortable with networking?The above is just a sampling of what typically is discussed. Please be prepared to bring your networking challenges to the meeting. If you are having these challenges, it is very likely that most of the room struggle with the same things.